Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint ()
Key Interoperability Enablers viewpoint
EIF Principle Achieve Organisational Interoperability
EIF Principle Achieve Technical Interoperability
EIF Principle Achieve Semantic Interoperability
EIF Principle Achieve Legal Interoperability
Key Interoperability Enablers Key Structural IoP Enablers
Key Interoperability Enablers Key Behavioural IoP Enablers
Key Interoperability Enablers Key Governance IoP Enablers
Key Interoperability Enablers Shared Legal Content
Key Interoperability Enablers Shared Organisational Content
Key Interoperability Enablers Shared Knowledge Content
Key Interoperability Enablers Shared Application Content
Key Interoperability Enablers Shared Infrastructure Content
Shared Legal Content Achieve Legal Interoperability
Shared Legal Content Legislation Catalogue
Shared Legal Content Legislation on Data Information and Knowledge Exchange
Shared Legal Content Legal Interoperability Agreement
Shared Organisational Content Achieve Organisational Interoperability
Shared Organisational Content Digital Public Service Catalogue
Shared Organisational Content Digital Public Service Delivery
Shared Organisational Content Organisational Interoperability Agreement
Shared Knowledge Content Achieve Semantic Interoperability
Shared Knowledge Content Data Mapping Catalogue
Shared Knowledge Content Metadata
Shared Knowledge Content Semantic Interoperability Agreement
Shared Application Content Achieve Technical Interoperability
Shared Application Content API Discovery and Catalogue
Shared Application Content Service Discovery and Registry
Shared Application Content API
Shared Application Content Data Exchange
Shared Application Content Technical Interoperability Agreement
Shared Infrastructure Content Achieve Technical Interoperability
Shared Infrastructure Content Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Shared Infrastructure Content VIDA Web Service API Interface
Shared Infrastructure Content VIDA Push/Pull Notification Interface
Shared Infrastructure Content VIDA HTML Human Interface
Shared Infrastructure Content Technical Interoperability Agreement