Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue view ()
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue view
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Digital Solution Requirement
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue The central VIES is able to conduct automatic cross-checks of the information on B2B intra-community e-invoices
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Notify business of rejection if incorrect data is submitted
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Management of access right/authorisation rights to the data (depending on type of data)
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue The national tax administration is able to communicate with other national tax administration
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Grant automated access to central VIES to electronic systems
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Grant automated access to central VIES to officials of national tax administrations and Eurofisc liaison officials
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue The central VIES is able to store exchanged B2B intra-community e-invoices data
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue The national tax administration must centralise the accessibility to information on B2B intra-Community e-invoices data
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Allow national tax administration to access data of B2B intra-community e-invoices through the central VIES
Digital Solution Functional Requirements Catalogue Digital Solution Functional Requirement
The central VIES is able to conduct automatic cross-checks of the information on B2B intra-community e-invoices Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Allow national tax administration to access data of B2B intra-community e-invoices through the central VIES Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Grant automated access to central VIES to officials of national tax administrations and Eurofisc liaison officials Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Grant automated access to central VIES to electronic systems Digital Solution Functional Requirement
The national tax administration must centralise the accessibility to information on B2B intra-Community e-invoices data Digital Solution Functional Requirement
The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Management of access right/authorisation rights to the data (depending on type of data) Digital Solution Functional Requirement
The central VIES is able to store exchanged B2B intra-community e-invoices data Digital Solution Functional Requirement
The national tax administration is able to communicate with other national tax administration Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Notify business of rejection if incorrect data is submitted Digital Solution Functional Requirement
Case and Workflow Management Notify business of rejection if incorrect data is submitted
Contact Management Grant automated access to central VIES to officials of national tax administrations and Eurofisc liaison officials
Data Governance Notify business of rejection if incorrect data is submitted
Data Governance The central VIES is able to store exchanged B2B intra-community e-invoices data
Data Governance Data Management
Data Interoperability The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Data Quality Notify business of rejection if incorrect data is submitted
Digital Communication The national tax administration is able to communicate with other national tax administration
Digital Communication The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Digital Communication Allow national tax administration to access data of B2B intra-community e-invoices through the central VIES
Digital Invoicing The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Electronic Identification Grant automated access to central VIES to officials of national tax administrations and Eurofisc liaison officials
Electronic Identification Grant automated access to central VIES to electronic systems
Electronic Identification Management of access right/authorisation rights to the data (depending on type of data)
Reporting of B2B intra-community e-invoices data to the EC The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Reporting of B2B intra-community e-invoices data to the EC The national tax administration must centralise the accessibility to information on B2B intra-Community e-invoices data
Reporting of B2B intra-community e-invoices data to the EC The central VIES is able to conduct automatic cross-checks of the information on B2B intra-community e-invoices
Reporting of B2B intra-community e-invoices data to the EC Allow national tax administration to access data of B2B intra-community e-invoices through the central VIES
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices The national tax administration is able to communicate with other national tax administration
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices The national tax administration exchanges B2B intra-community e-invoices data from the national electronic system to the central VIES
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices Grant automated access to central VIES to officials of national tax administrations and Eurofisc liaison officials
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices Grant automated access to central VIES to electronic systems
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices Digital Exchange
Secure access to data of B2B intra-community e-invoices Data Sharing