OV-Information Base ()
OV-Information Base
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Invoice
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Transaction
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Message
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Audit trail
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Access rights
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Distribution list
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Identification
Business Agnostic Business Information Base Information
Business Agnostic Business Information Base VIDA Business Information Base
VIDA Business Information Base Information
VIDA Business Information Base Process and eInvoice identifiers
VIDA Business Information Base Payment instructions
VIDA Business Information Base Delivery details
VIDA Business Information Base Supplier data
VIDA Business Information Base Customer data
VIDA Business Information Base Date of the supply of goods/services
VIDA Business Information Base Payee information
VIDA Business Information Base eInvoice line-item information
VIDA Business Information Base Contract reference
VIDA Business Information Base eInvoice period
VIDA Business Information Base eInvoice totals
VIDA Business Information Base Supplier’s tax representative information
VIDA Business Information Base eInvoice Date
VIDA Business Information Base VAT
VIDA Business Information Base Transaction information
VIDA Business Information Base Coding system information
VIDA Business Information Base Comparison Data
VIDA Business Information Base Supplier and customer data
eInvoice line-item information Quantity and nature of goods/services
eInvoice totals Allowance or charge information
eInvoice totals Taxable amount per rate or exemption
VAT VAT rate applied
VAT VAT breakdown
Transaction information eInvoice line-item information
Transaction information eInvoice period
Transaction information Date of the supply of goods/services
Transaction information Payee information
Transaction information Contract reference
Transaction information Process and eInvoice identifiers
Transaction information Payment instructions
Transaction information eInvoice totals
Transaction information Delivery details
Transaction information Supplier’s tax representative information
Transaction information eInvoice Date
Transaction information VAT
Coding system information Supplier and customer data
Coding system information Transaction information
Comparison Data Transaction information
Comparison Data Supplier and customer data
Supplier and customer data Supplier data
Supplier and customer data Customer data
Process and eInvoice identifiers Initial eInvoice identifier if amended
Payment instructions Payment amount
Payment instructions Bank account information
Payment instructions Dates agreed for payment
Delivery details New place of supply
Supplier data Supplier name
Supplier data Supplier VAT identification number
Supplier data IOSS VAT identification number (intermediaries)
Supplier data Supplier address
Customer data Customer VAT identification number
Customer data Customer name
Customer data Customer address
Customer data Reverse charge if applicable
Information Information