The Interoperability Governance viewpoint models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that refer to decisions on interoperability frameworks, institutional arrangements, organisational structures, roles and responsibilities, policies, agreements and other aspects of ensuring and monitoring interoperability at national and EU levels. As such, it does not include operational Architecture Building Blocks like interoperability agreements.
Interoperability governance is the key to a holistic approach on interoperability, as it brings together all the instruments needed to apply it.
Source: The New EIF
Narrative: The selected Architecture Building Blocks from the five different views highlight the Architecture Building Blocks of the EIRA that are related to Interoperability Governance:
1. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the legal view show the [Public Policy Cycle] and the [Legal Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of the [Legal Agreement],
2. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the organisational view show that [Data Owner] signs [Organisational Agreement] which is a specialisation of the [Organisational Interoperability Agreement] and is composed by the [Framework Agreement] that is a specialisation of the [Specific Agreement] associated with [Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence assurance]. The [Interoperability Strategy] implements the [Interoperability Framework], which influences the [Security Framework], the [Privacy Framework], the [Interoperable skill] and the [Interoperability governance]. The [Interoperability Governance] is under the responsibility of the [Interoperability Organisational Authority]. [Delegation of powers provisioning Digital Public Services] influences the [Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation] which is realised by the [Digitalisation Roadmap] that realises also the [Digital Agenda], that serves the [Interoperability Strategy]. [Digital Agenda] is associated with [Digital Governance], which, in turn, is associated with [Interoperability Framework], [Security Framework] and [Privacy Framework].
3. The selected Architecture Building Block of the semantic view show that [Data Policy] and its specialisation [Descriptive Metadata Policy], [Data Portability Policy], [Open Data Policy], [Master Data Policy], [Base Registry Data Policy] and [Reference Data Policy], together with the [Semantic Interoperability Agreement] are the mainstream of the solution governance at semantic level. Within the [Semantic governance Content] it is also considered that the [Semantic Interoperabilty Agreement] is a specialisation of a [Semantic Agreement].
4. The selected Architecture Building Blocks of the technical view show [Technical Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of the [Technical Agreement], which are the mainspring of the solution governance at technical level.