The TVA-API Enablers [Motivation] view extends Technical view - application and provides a comprehensive framework for leveraging Business Agnostic API Business Services and API Enablers.
The Business Agnostic API Business Services is a Diagram Model-group ABB that includes several Business Service ABBs, namely Log Management, eTendering, eNotification, ePayment, eQualification, and eInvoicing. These services are digital public services that cater to various business needs.
Log Management is a service that deals with the management of digital logs. eTendering is a service that handles digital tendering processes. eNotification is a service that manages digital notifications. ePayment is a service that facilitates digital payments. eQualification is a service that deals with digital qualification processes. eInvoicing is a service that handles digital invoicing.
The API Enablers is a Grouping ABB that refers to components and frameworks that support the implementation and cataloguing of (open) software interfaces. This includes several Application Interface ABBs, namely Web Service, ePayment, eInvoicing, eTendering, eProfessional Qualification, eQualification, eNotification, and Log Management.
Web Service is an Application Interface that enables interoperability between different applications or systems over the Internet. ePayment is an Application Interface that refers to a digital payment solution that enables secure and convenient electronic transactions between buyers and sellers. eInvoicing is an Application Interface that enables the electronic creation, exchange, and processing of invoices between businesses or organizations. eTendering is an Application Interface that provides access to specific functionalities related to tendering processes through web-based APIs. eProfessional Qualification is an Application Interface that enables the management, verification, and processing of professional qualification-related information and services over the internet. eQualification is an Application Interface that enables the management and processing of qualifications and certifications in an electronic format. eNotification is an Application Interface that enables the electronic delivery of notifications, alerts, and messages to individuals or organizations. Log Management is an Application Interface that facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, and monitoring of log data generated by web applications, servers, and other web-based systems.
The motivation behind this view is to provide a comprehensive framework that leverages these services and interfaces to enhance business processes, improve interoperability between different systems, and facilitate secure and efficient digital transactions.