The SV-Controlled Vocabulary [Motivation] view extends Semantic view and provides a comprehensive framework for leveraging controlled vocabulary solutions in a business-agnostic manner. This view is composed of three main elements: Business Agnostic Controlled Vocabulary Solutions, Business Agnostic Business Information Base, and Controlled Vocabulary.
The Business Agnostic Controlled Vocabulary Solutions is a Grouping ABB that encompasses several Data Object SBBs. These include eGovernment Core Vocabularies, Core Assessment Vocabulary, Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary, W3C Profiles Vocabulary, and EuroVoc. Each of these data objects represents a specific set of vocabularies or standards used for information exchange, assessment, and description of various data entities in a context-neutral manner. For instance, the eGovernment Core Vocabularies are simplified, reusable, and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of a data entity. Similarly, the Core Assessment Vocabulary defines what an 'Assessment' of 'assets' is and how to perform the assessment based on 'Criteria'.
The Business Agnostic Business Information Base is a Diagram Model-group ABB that includes two Business Object ABBs: Data Quality and Availability. These objects represent the quality and availability of the business information, respectively.
The Controlled Vocabulary is a Data Object ABB that enables a carefully curated set of terms used to describe concepts or objects in a specific field or domain. It is a standardized list of terms that are used to ensure consistency and accuracy in the indexing, searching, and retrieval of information.
The motivation behind this view is to provide a comprehensive and standardized framework for the use of controlled vocabularies in a business-agnostic manner. This ensures consistency and accuracy in the description, indexing, and retrieval of information across different business domains. It also facilitates the exchange of information and interoperability among various software solutions.