HTTP(S) Load Balancer ABB is an Application Component that refers to a proxy-based Layer 7 load balancer enabling a user to run and scale your services behind a single external IP address. HTTP(S) Load Balancer distributes HTTP and HTTPS traffic to backends hosted on a variety of Cloud platforms as well as external backends connected over the internet or via hybrid connectivity.
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | eira:HTTPSLoadBalancerApplicationComponent |
dct:modified | 2024-01-28 |
eira:synonym | |
skos:definition | HTTP(S) Load Balancer ABB is an Application Component that refers to a proxy-based Layer 7 load balancer enabling a user to run and scale your services behind a single external IP address. HTTP(S) Load Balancer distributes HTTP and HTTPS traffic to backends hosted on a variety of Cloud platforms as well as external backends connected over the internet or via hybrid connectivity. |
eira:definitionSource | European Comission |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:example | |
eira:iopSaliency | |
skos:note | |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:iopDimension | Structural IoP |
eira:viewpoint | REST API viewpoint |
dct:identifier | |
eira:eifLayer | TechnicalApplication |