Definition: Knowledge Triplestore ABB is a Data Object that enables storage, management and retrieval of data in the form of triples, data entities composed of subject-predicate-object.
Source: W3C
Source reference:
Last modification: 2024-01-28
LOST view: Technical view - application
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
ABB name: eira:KnowledgeTriplestoreDataObject
Example: The following implementation is an example on how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): CELLAR. Cellar metadata is stored in a knowledge graph, and more specifically in a triple store. A SPARQL interface is used to query the metadata.
Interoperability Saliency: The Knowledge Triplestore Data Object ABB is salient for technical interoperability because it represents the different data objects such as databases storing data, allowing to manage and retrieve of data from different sources and digital public services.
Interoperability Dimension: Structural IoP
Additional identifier:
EIF Layer: TechnicalApplication
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | eira:KnowledgeTriplestoreDataObject |
dct:modified | 2024-01-28 |
eira:synonym | |
skos:definition | Knowledge Triplestore ABB is a Data Object that enables storage, management and retrieval of data in the form of triples, data entities composed of subject-predicate-object. |
eira:definitionSource | W3C |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:example | The following implementation is an example on how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): CELLAR. Cellar metadata is stored in a knowledge graph, and more specifically in a triple store. A SPARQL interface is used to query the metadata. |
eira:iopSaliency | The Knowledge Triplestore Data Object ABB is salient for technical interoperability because it represents the different data objects such as databases storing data, allowing to manage and retrieve of data from different sources and digital public services. |
skos:note | |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:iopDimension | Structural IoP |
eira:view | Technical view - application |
dct:identifier | |
eira:eifLayer | TechnicalApplication |