The Semantic view models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that should be considered to support semantic aspects for the End-to-End design of interoperable Digital Public Services.
[Data] is serialised using [Data Representation] the treatment and contextualisation, drives [Data] and [Data Representation] into [Knowledge]. [Data] can be grouped into [Dataset], as [Dataset] aggregates [Data]. and can be described and aggregated in [Dataset Catalogue]. [Data] is linked to [Ontology], which can be described and aggregated into [Ontologies Catalogue]. [Data Mapping] aggregates [Data] and is described and aggregated into [Data Mapping Catalogue]. [Data Mapping] is also specialised in [Metadata Catalogue], [Data Syntax Mapping Catalogue], and [Software Components Catalogue]. [Distributed Ledger] is associated to [Data] supporting the sharing and recording of encrypted data across multiple sites, countries, or institutions. [Virtual Dataset] aggregates [Dataset], that can be specialised in [Reference Data] and [Master Data]. [Base Registry] is composed of [Master Data]. [Data] can be represented as [Linked Data] and [Open Data], which are specialisations of [Data]. The representation [Linked Open Data] is a specialisation of both [Open Data] and [Linked Data]. [Linked Data] can be distributed by [Linked Open Event Stream], which is a specialisation of it. [Hash Code] and [Metadata] specialise [Data]. [Metadata] is at the same time, specialised by [Data Model], which is composed of [Forms Structure] and [Data Format], and aggregates [Data Syntax]. [Controlled Vocabulary] is a specialisation of [Data Model]. [Data] has a specific [Data Owner] that is responsible for its management, together with [Digital Public Service Delivery Consumer] and [Digital Public Service Delivery Provider Provider] and all negotiate and reach a [Semantic Agreement] and/or a [Semantic Interoperability Agreement], which is a specialisation of [Semantic Agreement]. [Data] is subject to [Data Policy], which has specific cases that are [Master Data Policy], [Security Policy], [Privacy Policy], [Data Portability Policy], and [Open Data Policy].
These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Semantic Functional content] and [Semantic Governance Content], both are aggregated with [Semantic Knowledge Content].