Definition: Architecture Decision Record from where you should specialise the ADR SBBs regarding the Use GNU GPL as License
Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022
Source reference:
Additional information: The decision to use GNU GPL as a license concept is a strategic choice made by companies and organizations that want to promote the use and distribution of open-source software. The GNU GPL license allows users to modify and distribute the software freely if they also make their modifications available under the same license. This creates a collaborative environment where developers can work together to improve the software and build upon each other's work. Additionally, the GNU GPL license ensures that the software remains open-source and free for all to use, preventing any one entity from monopolizing the technology.
Example: Internationalization and Localization:
Decision: Chosen option: "GNU GPL", because this license supports a strong copyleft model.
Rationale: Everything needs to be licensed, otherwise the default copyright laws apply. For instance, in Germany that means users may not alter anything without explicitly asking for permission. For more information see
We want to have all source code related to Operate First to be used without any hassle and as free as possible, so that users can just execute and enjoy the four freedoms.
LOST view: Digital Solution Architecture Decisions Catalogue view
EIRA traceability: eira:DigitalSolutionArchitectureDecisionGoal
ABB name: egovera:UseGNUGPLAsLicenseGoal
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-06-15
dct:identifier: ADR-20230515180947412
dct:title: Architecture Decision Record about Use GNU GPL as License
eira:adr_context: The context explains why we need to make a decision. It also describes the alternatives along with the pros and cons.
eira:adr_decision: The decision describes the justification for why the particular solution was accepted. It has more emphasis on the why rather than the how.
eira:adr_status: [Proposed (under review)|Accepted (approved and ready for implementation)|Superseded (superseded by another decision)]
eira:adr_consecuences: The consequences section contains information about the overall impact of an architectural decision. Every decision has trade-offs. That’s why it’s crucial to include the analysis to provide a clear picture.
eira:ABB | eira:DigitalSolutionArchitectureDecisionGoal |
dct:modified | 2023-06-15 |
dct:identifier | ADR-20230515180947412 |
dct:title | Architecture Decision Record about Use GNU GPL as License |
skos:example | Internationalization and Localization:
Decision: Chosen option: "GNU GPL", because this license supports a strong copyleft model.
Rationale: Everything needs to be licensed, otherwise the default copyright laws apply. For instance, in Germany that means users may not alter anything without explicitly asking for permission. For more information see
We want to have all source code related to Operate First to be used without any hassle and as free as possible, so that users can just execute and enjoy the four freedoms. |
eira:adr_context | The context explains why we need to make a decision. It also describes the alternatives along with the pros and cons. |
eira:adr_decision | The decision describes the justification for why the particular solution was accepted. It has more emphasis on the why rather than the how. |
eira:adr_status | [Proposed (under review)|Accepted (approved and ready for implementation)|Superseded (superseded by another decision)] |
eira:adr_consecuences | The consequences section contains information about the overall impact of an architectural decision. Every decision has trade-offs. That’s why it’s crucial to include the analysis to provide a clear picture. |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:definitionSource | ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022 |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:note | The decision to use GNU GPL as a license concept is a strategic choice made by companies and organizations that want to promote the use and distribution of open-source software. The GNU GPL license allows users to modify and distribute the software freely if they also make their modifications available under the same license. This creates a collaborative environment where developers can work together to improve the software and build upon each other's work. Additionally, the GNU GPL license ensures that the software remains open-source and free for all to use, preventing any one entity from monopolizing the technology. |
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | egovera:UseGNUGPLAsLicenseGoal |
skos:definition | Architecture Decision Record from where you should specialise the ADR SBBs regarding the Use GNU GPL as License |
eira:view | Digital Solution Architecture Decisions Catalogue view |