Definition: Open Data Management refers to the processes and practices involved in collecting, organizing, publishing, and maintaining open data. It involves the identification, selection, and preparation of datasets for public release, ensuring their quality, usability, and compliance with relevant open data standards and policies. Open Data Management aims to enhance transparency, promote data sharing and reuse, and enable the development of innovative applications and services by providing access to structured, machine-readable data that is freely available to the public.
Source: Open Data Handbook
Source reference:
Additional information: Open Data Management within the context of IT interoperability refers to the process of collecting, organizing, and sharing digital information in a standardized and accessible manner, with the goal of promoting transparency, collaboration, and innovation. In the European Commission, Open Data Management is a crucial aspect of providing digital public services to citizens.
At its core, Open Data Management involves the identification, collection, and publication of various types of data generated or held by public institutions. This data can include statistical information, research findings, reports, legislative texts, geographic data, and much more. The European Commission recognizes the value of this data and aims to make it freely available to the public, businesses, and other organizations.
The process of Open Data Management begins with the identification of relevant datasets within the European Commission's various departments and agencies. These datasets are then assessed for their potential value and relevance to the public. Once identified, the data is collected, ensuring that it adheres to certain quality standards, such as accuracy, completeness, and timeliness.
To ensure interoperability, the European Commission follows established standards and guidelines for data formats, metadata, and data sharing protocols. This ensures that the data can be easily understood, accessed, and used by both humans and machines. Commonly used standards include the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
Once the data is collected and prepared, it is published on dedicated platforms or portals, such as the European Data Portal, which serves as a central hub for accessing and discovering open datasets from various European Union institutions. These platforms provide users with search functionalities, allowing them to find and access the desired datasets based on specific criteria.
Open Data Management also involves ensuring the long-term sustainability and usability of the published datasets. This includes establishing proper data governance frameworks, data lifecycle management, and data preservation strategies. The European Commission aims to keep the datasets up to date, ensuring that any changes or updates are reflected in a timely manner.
Furthermore, Open Data Management within the European Commission emphasizes the importance of data privacy and security. Personal data is handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation, ensuring that individuals' privacy rights are respected.
By adopting Open Data Management practices, the European Commission aims to foster a culture of openness, collaboration, and innovation. Open datasets can be utilized by citizens, businesses, researchers, and developers to create new applications, services, and insights. This promotes economic growth, evidence-based policymaking, and citizen engagement.
In summary, Open Data Management within the context of IT interoperability in the European Commission involves the identification, collection, quality assurance, publication, and long-term management of open datasets. It follows established standards and guidelines to ensure interoperability and accessibility. By making data freely available, the European Commission aims to promote transparency, collaboration, and innovation in the provision of digital public services.
Example: One example of the application of Open Data Management within the context of IT interoperability in a digital public service at the European Commission is the provision of standardized and open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for accessing and exchanging data.
By adopting open standards and providing APIs, the European Commission enables interoperability between different IT systems and applications. This allows for seamless data exchange and integration between various digital public services, both within the Commission and with external stakeholders.
For instance, the European Commission could develop and publish open APIs that provide access to datasets related to environmental data, such as air quality measurements or climate change indicators. These APIs would follow open standards, ensuring compatibility and ease of integration with other systems.
By making these APIs openly available, developers from both within the Commission and external organizations can leverage the data to build innovative applications, services, or visualizations. This promotes collaboration, transparency, and the reuse of data across different digital public services.
Furthermore, the European Commission can establish a centralized Open Data Portal that serves as a comprehensive repository of open datasets. This portal would provide a single point of access to a wide range of data, ensuring consistency and ease of discovery for developers and users.
Through effective Open Data Management, the European Commission can foster IT interoperability by promoting the use of open standards, APIs, and centralized data repositories. This approach enables seamless data exchange, collaboration, and innovation across various digital public services, ultimately benefiting citizens, businesses, and policymakers.
LOST view: OV-Functional Architecture Principles
EIRA traceability: eira:DigitalPublicBusinessService
ABB name: egovera:OpenDataManagementBusinessService
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-07-04
dct:title: Open Data Management Digital Public Service