Definition: Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) is a grouping that covers a comprehensive catalogue of information entities related to laws, regulations, and policies that facilitate the interaction between different governance systems. This catalogue is empty as indicated by the JSON provided, but it is intended to house elements that define and describe the legal and regulatory framework that enables interoperability in governance.
Source: EIRA Team Research
Additional information: The Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) catalogue is designed to be a repository of information entities that detail the legal and regulatory aspects of governance interoperability. Interoperability in this context refers to the ability of different governance systems to work together, exchange information and function effectively. The catalogue is currently empty, but it is intended to include elements such as specific laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, and standards that facilitate interoperability in governance. Each element in the catalogue will have a name and a description, providing a clear understanding of the element's role and relevance in promoting governance interoperability.
Example: An example of an element that might be included in the Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) catalogue could be a law like the 'Data Sharing and Governance Act'. The name of the element would be 'Data Sharing and Governance Act' and the description might detail how this law facilitates the sharing of data between different governmental departments, thereby promoting interoperability.
LOST view: LV-Architecture Principles
ABB name: egovera:LegislationOnGovernanceInteroperabilityGrouping
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-08-20
dct:title: Legislation On Governance Interoperability (NNBI) Catalogue
eira:PURI | |
dct:modified | 2023-08-20 |
dct:identifier | |
dct:title | Legislation On Governance Interoperability (NNBI) Catalogue |
dct:type | egovera:LegislationOnGovernanceInteroperabilityGrouping |
skos:definition | Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) is a grouping that covers a comprehensive catalogue of information entities related to laws, regulations, and policies that facilitate the interaction between different governance systems. This catalogue is empty as indicated by the JSON provided, but it is intended to house elements that define and describe the legal and regulatory framework that enables interoperability in governance. |
eira:definitionSource | EIRA Team Research |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:example | An example of an element that might be included in the Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) catalogue could be a law like the 'Data Sharing and Governance Act'. The name of the element would be 'Data Sharing and Governance Act' and the description might detail how this law facilitates the sharing of data between different governmental departments, thereby promoting interoperability. |
skos:note | The Legislation on Governance Interoperability (NNBI) catalogue is designed to be a repository of information entities that detail the legal and regulatory aspects of governance interoperability. Interoperability in this context refers to the ability of different governance systems to work together, exchange information and function effectively. The catalogue is currently empty, but it is intended to include elements such as specific laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, and standards that facilitate interoperability in governance. Each element in the catalogue will have a name and a description, providing a clear understanding of the element's role and relevance in promoting governance interoperability. |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:view | LV-Architecture Principles |
eira:view | LV-Binding Power and Jurisdiction |