Description: Innovation entails rethinking organisations and processes and changing behaviour so that public services are delivered more efficiently to people.
Additional information: Implemented well, eGovernment enables citizens, enterprises and organisations to carry out their business with the government more easily, more quickly and at a lower cost.
Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe’s future. It helps us to compete globally and preserve our unique social model. It improves the daily lives of millions of people here in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of our biggest societal challenges.
Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe’s future. It helps us to compete globally and preserve our unique social model. It improves the daily lives of millions of people here in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of our biggest societal challenges.
EU support for research and innovation adds value by encouraging cooperation between research teams across countries and disciplines that is vital in making breakthrough discoveries.
Publisher: ELAP
LOST view: TVA-Functional Architecture Principles
EIRA traceability: eira:EuropeanLibraryofArchitecturePrinciplesPrinciple
EIRA concept: eira:SolutionBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-06-27
dct:identifier: elap:innovation
dct:title: Innovation
dct:identifier | elap:innovation |
eira:ABB | eira:EuropeanLibraryofArchitecturePrinciplesPrinciple |
dct:modified | 2023-06-27 |
dct:publisher | ELAP |
skos:note | Implemented well, eGovernment enables citizens, enterprises and organisations to carry out their business with the government more easily, more quickly and at a lower cost.
Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe’s future. It helps us to compete globally and preserve our unique social model. It improves the daily lives of millions of people here in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of our biggest societal challenges.
Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe’s future. It helps us to compete globally and preserve our unique social model. It improves the daily lives of millions of people here in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of our biggest societal challenges.
EU support for research and innovation adds value by encouraging cooperation between research teams across countries and disciplines that is vital in making breakthrough discoveries. |
dct:title | Innovation |
dct:description | Innovation entails rethinking organisations and processes and changing behaviour so that public services are delivered more efficiently to people. |
eira:concept | eira:SolutionBuildingBlock |
eira:PURI | |
dct:source | |
eira:view | TVA-Functional Architecture Principles |
eira:view | Architecture Principles view |