Definition: Data Exchange ABB is an Application Component that enables the implementation of the procedure to transfer data between different individuals, organizations or systems.
Source: EIFv2
Source reference:
Example: The following implementation is an example on how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): Open e-TrustEx - Open e-TrustEx is a secure document exchange platform. Solution for European public administration that needs to electronically exchange information with other entities in a secure way. Open e-TrustEx is a cross-sector, open source tool that helps administrations to exchange structured and unstructured documents and to connect to pan-European e-delivery infrastructures with reduced investment. For Commission services, DG Informatics operates the e-TrustEx platform for a fee.(
eira:iopDimension: Structural IoP
LOST view: TVA-Functional Architecture Principles
Viewpoint: Interoperability Privacy viewpoint
eira:iopSaliency: The Data Exchange Component ABB is salient for technical interoperability because it provides the implementation of the functionalities to enable a secure and trustworthy data exchange between different ICT systems as stated in the EIF: "Define a common security and privacy framework and establish processes for public services to ensure secure and trustworthy data exchange between public administrations and in interactions with citizens and businesses."
ABB name: eira:DataExchangeApplicationComponent
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2022-01-18
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | eira:DataExchangeApplicationComponent |
dct:modified | 2022-01-18 |
eira:synonym | |
skos:definition | Data Exchange ABB is an Application Component that enables the implementation of the procedure to transfer data between different individuals, organizations or systems. |
eira:definitionSource | EIFv2 |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:example | The following implementation is an example on how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): Open e-TrustEx - Open e-TrustEx is a secure document exchange platform. Solution for European public administration that needs to electronically exchange information with other entities in a secure way. Open e-TrustEx is a cross-sector, open source tool that helps administrations to exchange structured and unstructured documents and to connect to pan-European e-delivery infrastructures with reduced investment. For Commission services, DG Informatics operates the e-TrustEx platform for a fee.( |
eira:iopSaliency | The Data Exchange Component ABB is salient for technical interoperability because it provides the implementation of the functionalities to enable a secure and trustworthy data exchange between different ICT systems as stated in the EIF: "Define a common security and privacy framework and establish processes for public services to ensure secure and trustworthy data exchange between public administrations and in interactions with citizens and businesses." |
skos:note | |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:iopDimension | Structural IoP |
dct:identifier | |
eira:viewpoint | Interoperability Privacy viewpoint |
eira:viewpoint | Interoperability Security viewpoint |
eira:view | TVA-Functional Architecture Principles |
eira:view | TVI-Computing Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | TVI-Networking Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | Technical view - application |