Definition: Architecture Decision Record from where you should specialise the ADR SBBs regarding the Cross-Border Data Exchange
Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022
Source reference:
Additional information: Cross-border data exchange is a concept that refers to the transfer of data between different countries or regions. This can be done for various reasons, such as sharing information between businesses, governments, or individuals. The concept of cross-border data exchange is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world, as more and more organizations are operating across borders and need to share information with partners and customers in different countries. However, there are also challenges associated with cross-border data exchange, such as data privacy and security concerns, legal and regulatory issues, and technical compatibility issues. Therefore, it is important for organizations to carefully consider the IT architecture decisions related to cross-border data exchange and ensure that they have appropriate policies, procedures, and technologies in place to manage these challenges effectively.
Example: Decision: The Data Consumer and Data Provider rely on the Data Exchange Manager capability.
Consequence: New capability: Evidence Data Management
LOST view: Digital Solution Architecture Decisions Catalogue view
EIRA traceability: eira:DigitalSolutionArchitectureDecisionGoal
ABB name: egovera:Cross-BorderDataExchangeGoal
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-06-15
dct:identifier: ADR-20230515180947774
dct:title: Architecture Decision Record about Cross-Border Data Exchange
eira:adr_context: The context explains why we need to make a decision. It also describes the alternatives along with the pros and cons.
eira:adr_decision: The decision describes the justification for why the particular solution was accepted. It has more emphasis on the why rather than the how.
eira:adr_status: [Proposed (under review)|Accepted (approved and ready for implementation)|Superseded (superseded by another decision)]
eira:adr_consecuences: The consequences section contains information about the overall impact of an architectural decision. Every decision has trade-offs. That’s why it’s crucial to include the analysis to provide a clear picture.
eira:ABB | eira:DigitalSolutionArchitectureDecisionGoal |
dct:modified | 2023-06-15 |
dct:identifier | ADR-20230515180947774 |
dct:title | Architecture Decision Record about Cross-Border Data Exchange |
skos:example | Decision: The Data Consumer and Data Provider rely on the Data Exchange Manager capability.
Consequence: New capability: Evidence Data Management |
eira:adr_context | The context explains why we need to make a decision. It also describes the alternatives along with the pros and cons. |
eira:adr_decision | The decision describes the justification for why the particular solution was accepted. It has more emphasis on the why rather than the how. |
eira:adr_status | [Proposed (under review)|Accepted (approved and ready for implementation)|Superseded (superseded by another decision)] |
eira:adr_consecuences | The consequences section contains information about the overall impact of an architectural decision. Every decision has trade-offs. That’s why it’s crucial to include the analysis to provide a clear picture. |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:definitionSource | ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022 |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:note | Cross-border data exchange is a concept that refers to the transfer of data between different countries or regions. This can be done for various reasons, such as sharing information between businesses, governments, or individuals. The concept of cross-border data exchange is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world, as more and more organizations are operating across borders and need to share information with partners and customers in different countries. However, there are also challenges associated with cross-border data exchange, such as data privacy and security concerns, legal and regulatory issues, and technical compatibility issues. Therefore, it is important for organizations to carefully consider the IT architecture decisions related to cross-border data exchange and ensure that they have appropriate policies, procedures, and technologies in place to manage these challenges effectively. |
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | egovera:Cross-BorderDataExchangeGoal |
skos:definition | Architecture Decision Record from where you should specialise the ADR SBBs regarding the Cross-Border Data Exchange |
eira:view | Digital Solution Architecture Decisions Catalogue view |