Technical view - infrastructure ()
Technical view - infrastructure
Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Wide Area Networking
Public Network
Secure Public Network
Facility Location
Hosting Facility
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Networking Infrastructure Enablers
Private Network
Load Balancer
Private Subnetwork
Domain Name Service
Virtual Private Network
TVI-Networking Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers
Remote Desktop
TVI-Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers
Web Server
Streaming Server
TVI-Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Database Infrastructure Enablers
Relational Database Manager
Object-Oriented Database Manager
NoSQL Database Manager
Graph Database Manager
Database Cache Manager
TVI-Data Management and Knowledge Discovery Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Storage Infrastructure Enablers
File Storage
Block Storage
Distributed File System
TVI-Data Management and Knowledge Discovery Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers
Enterprise Service Bus
API Manager
GraphQL Server
Serverless Orchestrator
Application Server
Event Manager
API Gateway
TVI-Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Containers Infrastructure Enablers
Containers Manager
Containers Orchestrator
Container Registry
TVI-Containers Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Workflow Orchestration Infrastructure Enablers
Business Process Manager
TVI-Containers Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers
Business Intelligence
Data Catalog
TVI-Analytics Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Enablers
Machine Learning
TVI-Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Computing Infrastructure Enablers
Virtual Machine
TVI-Computing Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers
Inmutable Database Manager
Blockchain Ledger
Distributed Blockchain Network
TVI-Trust Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Management Infrastructure Enablers
Audit Manager
Management Console
TVI-Management Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Trust Infrastructure Enablers
PKI Certificate Manager
TVI-Trust Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers
Identity Provider
Federated Identity Provider
Active Directory
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
TVI-Access and Identity Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Data Lake Infrastructure Enablers
Data Lake Storage
TVI-Data Management and Knowledge Discovery Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
Physical Computing Infrastructure
Physical Network Infrastructure
Physical Communication Infrastructure
Physical Security Infrastructure
Technology Interface
Physical Power Supply Infrastructure
On Premise Facility
Local Area Network
Cloud Computing Facility
Cloud Private Network
Private Cloud Computing Facility
Public Cloud Computing Facility
Edge Computing
Hybrid Cloud Facility
Shared Infrastructure Content
Remote Desktop Client
Desktop Computer
External Facility
Smart Device
External Service
Constraints, Assumptions and Decisions
Interoperability Specification
Solution Building Block
Digital Solution Requirement
Architecture Principle
European Library of Architecture Principles
Technical Governance content
Service Level Agreement
Technical Agreement
Technical Interoperability Agreement
TV-Technical Agreements
TVI-Wide Area Networking [Motivation]
TVI-Functional Architecture Principles
TVI-Governance Architecture Principles
Technical Infrastructure Functional content Wide Area Networking
Technical Infrastructure Functional content Facility Location
Wide Area Networking On Premise Facility
Wide Area Networking Public Network
Wide Area Networking Secure Public Network
Wide Area Networking Networking Infrastructure Enablers
Wide Area Networking Cloud Computing Facility
Secure Public Network Public Network
Facility Location Public Cloud Computing Facility
Facility Location Edge Computing
Facility Location Private Cloud Computing Facility
Facility Location Cloud Computing Facility
Facility Location Hybrid Cloud Facility
Facility Location On Premise Facility
Hosting Facility Technology Interface
Hosting Facility Physical Computing Infrastructure
Hosting Facility Physical Power Supply Infrastructure
Hosting Facility Physical Security Infrastructure
Hosting Facility Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Trust Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Storage Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Workflow Orchestration Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Database Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Management Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Networking Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Containers Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Computing Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Analytics Infrastructure Enablers
Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure Data Lake Infrastructure Enablers
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Gateway
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Private Network
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Virtual Private Network
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Router
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Private Subnetwork
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Load Balancer
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Firewall
Networking Infrastructure Enablers Domain Name Service
Private Network Private Subnetwork
Firewall Load Balancer
Router Private Network
Private Subnetwork Firewall
Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers Remote Desktop
Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers Streaming Server
Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers Web Server
Database Infrastructure Enablers Relational Database Manager
Database Infrastructure Enablers NoSQL Database Manager
Database Infrastructure Enablers Object-Oriented Database Manager
Database Infrastructure Enablers Database Cache Manager
Database Infrastructure Enablers Graph Database Manager
Storage Infrastructure Enablers Backup
Storage Infrastructure Enablers File Storage
Storage Infrastructure Enablers Block Storage
Storage Infrastructure Enablers Distributed File System
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers API Manager
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers Enterprise Service Bus
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers GraphQL Server
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers Event Manager
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers Serverless Orchestrator
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers Application Server
Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers API Gateway
API Manager API Gateway
Containers Infrastructure Enablers Container Registry
Containers Infrastructure Enablers Containers Orchestrator
Containers Infrastructure Enablers Container
Containers Infrastructure Enablers Containers Manager
Containers Orchestrator Containers Manager
Container Registry Containers Manager
Container Registry Container
Container Containers Manager
Workflow Orchestration Infrastructure Enablers Business Process Manager
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers Business Intelligence
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers Databricks
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers Analytics
Analytics Infrastructure Enablers Data Catalog
Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Enablers Machine Learning
Computing Infrastructure Enablers Server
Computing Infrastructure Enablers Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Server
Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers Inmutable Database Manager
Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers Blockchain Ledger
Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers Distributed Blockchain Network
Management Infrastructure Enablers Logger
Management Infrastructure Enablers Management Console
Management Infrastructure Enablers Telemetry
Management Infrastructure Enablers Audit Manager
Trust Infrastructure Enablers PKI Certificate Manager
Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers Identity Provider
Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers Active Directory
Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers Federated Identity Provider
Data Lake Infrastructure Enablers Data Lake Storage
Physical Computing Infrastructure Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Physical Network Infrastructure Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Physical Communication Infrastructure Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Physical Security Infrastructure Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Technology Interface Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
Physical Power Supply Infrastructure Computing Hosting, Networking, and Data Hosting Infrastructure
On Premise Facility Hosting Facility
Cloud Computing Facility Hosting Facility
Cloud Computing Facility Saas
Saas PaaS
PaaS IaaS
Private Cloud Computing Facility Cloud Computing Facility
Public Cloud Computing Facility Cloud Computing Facility
Edge Computing Cloud Computing Facility
Edge Computing On Premise Facility
Hybrid Cloud Facility Cloud Computing Facility
Hybrid Cloud Facility On Premise Facility
Shared Infrastructure Content Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Shared Infrastructure Content Technical Governance content
Remote Desktop Client Wide Area Networking
Sensor Wide Area Networking
Desktop Computer Wide Area Networking
External Facility Wide Area Networking
Smart Device Wide Area Networking
External Service Wide Area Networking
Constraints, Assumptions and Decisions Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Constraints, Assumptions and Decisions Technical Governance content
Solution Building Block Interoperability Specification
Solution Building Block Digital Solution Requirement
Solution Building Block Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Solution Building Block Technical Governance content
Digital Solution Requirement Technical Infrastructure Functional content
adds granularity Digital Solution Requirement Technical Governance content
Architecture Principle Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Architecture Principle Digital Solution Requirement
Architecture Principle Technical Governance content
European Library of Architecture Principles Architecture Principle
Technical Governance content Technical Interoperability Agreement
Technical Governance content Service Level Agreement
Technical Governance content Technical Agreement
Technical Governance content Technical Infrastructure Functional content
Service Level Agreement Technical Agreement
Technical Interoperability Agreement Technical Agreement