Definition: Audit Manager ABB is a Technology Service that enables the procedures of managing audits and workflows, tracking audit progress, and ensuring compliance with regulations and standards
Source: Inspired in the definition provided by relebant cloud service organizations.
Example: The following implementation is an example of how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): Design Principles for Data Spaces -Position Paper.
eira:iopDimension: Structural IoP
LOST view: TVI-Containers Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation]
eira:iopSaliency: Audit Manager ABB is salient for the technical interoperability due to it implements the rules to assess business workflows of public administration services to ensure compliance with the regulation and open standards.
ABB name: eira:AuditManagerTechnologyService
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
eira:ID | |
eira:PURI | |
dct:type | eira:AuditManagerTechnologyService |
dct:modified | |
eira:synonym | |
skos:definition | Audit Manager ABB is a Technology Service that enables the procedures of managing audits and workflows, tracking audit progress, and ensuring compliance with regulations and standards |
eira:definitionSource | Inspired in the definition provided by relebant cloud service organizations. |
eira:definitionSourceReference | |
skos:example | The following implementation is an example of how this specific Architecture Building Block (ABB) can be instantiated as a Solution Building Block (SBB): Design Principles for Data Spaces -Position Paper. |
eira:iopSaliency | Audit Manager ABB is salient for the technical interoperability due to it implements the rules to assess business workflows of public administration services to ensure compliance with the regulation and open standards. |
skos:note | |
eira:concept | eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock |
eira:iopDimension | Structural IoP |
eira:view | TVI-Containers Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | TVI-Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | TVI-Access and Identity Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | TVI-Management Infrastructure Enablers [Motivation] |
eira:view | TVI-Functional Architecture Principles |
eira:view | Technical view - infrastructure |