The Technical Infrastructure view models the most salient cross-sectorial infrastructure services that need to be considered to support technical aspects for the infrastructure (i.e. computing hosting, networking, and data hosting) for the End-to-End design of interoperable Digital Public Services.
In the same way, as it happens in the Technical Application view, the [Technical Governance Content], the [Technical Agreement], and its specialisations [Tech Interoperability Agreement] and [Service Level Agreement] constitute the [Technical Governance Content] and influence the whole [Technical Infrastructure Functional Content]. Both, [Technical Governance Content] and [Technical Infrastructure Functional Content] are aggregated by the [Shared Infrastructure Content]. The infrastructure is located in a [Facility Location] and hosted using a [Hosting Facility]. [Hosting Facility] is realised by [Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure]. The capabilities of a [Hosting Facility] are supported by a set of physical (in place) elements: [Physical Computing Infrastructure], [Physical Network Infrastructure], [Physical Communication Infrastructure], [Physical Power Supply Infrastructure] and [Physical Security Infrastructure]. [Analytics Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Analytics Technology Service], [Business Intelligence Technology Service], [Databricks Technology Service], and [Data Catalog Technology Service]. The [Artificial Intelligence infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Machine Learning Technology Service]. [Digital Workplace Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Remote Desktop Technology Service]. [Management Infrastructure Enablers] includes four elements aggregated [Logger Technology Service], [Audit Manager Technology Service], [Telemetry Technology Service] and [Management Console Technology Service]. [Application Integration Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates a set of technology services to facilitate integration in organisations and are [Enterprise Service Bus Technology Service], [Event Manager Technology Service], [API Manager Technology Service], which is aggregated by an [API Gateway Technology Service], also [Serverless Orchestrator Technology Service], [GraphQL Server Technology Service] and [Application Service]. [Content Delivery Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Web Server Technology Service] and [Streaming Server Technology Service]. [Process Orchestration Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Business Process Manager Technology Service]. The [Database Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Relational Database Manager Technology Service], [Object-Oriented Database Manager Technology Service], [NoSQL Database Manager Technology Service], [Graph Database Manager Technology Service], and [Database Cache Manager Technology Service]. [Storage Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [File Storage Technology Service], [Block Storage Technology Service], [Backup Technology Service], and [Distributed File System Technology Service]. [Data Lake Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Data Lake Storage Technology Service]. The [Identity and Access Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Identity Provider Technology Service], [Federated Identity Provider Technology Service], and [Lightweight Directory Access Technology Service]. [Trust Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [PKI Certificate Manager Technology Service]. [Blockchain Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Inmutable Database Manager Technology Service], [Blockchain Ledger Technology Service], and [Distributed Blockchain Network Technology Service]. [Containers Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Container Orchestrator Technology Service] is aggregated by [Containers Manager Technology Service], which is associated to [Container Registry Technology Service], and [Container]. [Networking Infrastructure Enablers] aggregates [Virtual Private Network Technology Service], [Gateway Technology Service], [Domain Name Service Technology Service], and a [Router Technology Service] associated to a [Private Network], composed by a [Private Subnetwork], associated to [Firewall], which is associated to [Load Balancer Technology Service]. [Computing Infrastructure Enablers] is composed with [Virtual Machine] node. [Virtual Machine] specialise a [Server] node. [On Premise Facility] and [Cloud Computing Facility] specialise [Computing Hosting, Networking and Data Hosting Infrastructure]. [On Premise Facility] includes [Local Area Network]. [Cloud Computing Facility] is associated with [SaaS], which is composed of [PaaS], and [PaaS] is composed of [IaaS]. The [IaaS] includes [Cloud Private Network]. [Hybrid Cloud Facility] and [Edge Computing] aggregate both [On Premise Facility], and [Cloud Computing Facility]. Also, [On Premise Facility] and [Cloud Computing Facility] are served by [Wide Area Networking], which aggregates [Secure Public Network], specialised by [Public Network]. [Additional Area Networking] includes several associations that can be established with external services, facilities or devices, for instance [External Facility], [External Service], [Desktop Computer], [Smart Device], [Sensor], [Remote Desktop Client].
These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Technical Infrastructure Functional content] and [Technical Governance content].