The Organisational view models the most salient Architecture Building Blocks that shall be considered to support organisational aspects for the End-to-End design of Digital Public Services.
[Digital Public Service] is delivered according to its [Digital Public Service Delivery Model] and realises a [Digital Business Capability] by accessing [Information]. [Digital Public Service] is documented in [Digital Public Service Catalogue] that can be used among others with services portfolio management purposes. The [Digital Public Service Catalogue] aggregates the [Shared Organisational Content] as the [Organisational Agreement] and the [Digital Public Service Delivery Model]. [Digital Public Service Delivery Model] assigns/aggregates [Digital Public Service Delivery Machine Agent] and [Digital Public Service Delivery Human Agent] both serving a role [Agent]. [Agent] is specialised by stakeholders [Individual] and [Legal Entity], which is the specialisation of another stakeholder [Organisation]. [Organisation] is also specialised by stakeholders such as [Business] and [Public Administration]. An [Agent] can serve both relations, as [Digital Public Service Consumer] and [Digital Public Service Provider]. Both roles are assigned with the business function [Digital Public Service Provision]. [Organisational Agreement], which is specialised in [Organisational Interoperability Agreement]. [Digital Governance Plan] is composed by contracts [Agreement on Provision of Digital Public Services], [Agreement on Interoperability Security] which is associated to [Security Framework], the [Agreement on Privacy] associated to [Privacy Framework], the [Agreement on Data Sharing] and [Agreement of the Use on Common Infrastructure] both associated to [Interoperability Framework]. [Digital Governance Plan] realises the [Digital Agenda] that influences the [Interoperability Strategy]. [Digital Agenda] is realised by a [Digitalisation Roadmap], which developing the constraint [Interoperable Digital Public Service Implementation Orientation]. [Data Owner] is a business role that signs or agrees upon [Organisational Agreement] that realises the constraint [Means for Public Policy Objectives Convergence Assurance and Control]. On the delivery of the [Digital Public Service] a [Digital Public Service Delivery] business interface is assigned to the [Digital Public Service], and the business interface can have different modalities such as [Web App], [Mobile App], [Desktop App], [Service App], and [Adaptive Configuration].
These different Architecture Building Blocks define the [Organisational Governance content] and [Organisational Functional content], both aggregated with [Shared Organisational Content]. Each of these Architecture Building Blocks can have any [Interoperability Specification] associated, which is realised by a [Solution Building Block].