Definition: Tax Digital Business Capabilities Map ABB is a Grouping that covers a range of elements related to the digital management of tax-related activities. These elements include the management of tax authorities' registries/catalogues, collection of taxpayer tax returns and transaction information, relationship management with taxpayers and stakeholders, tax risk management, revenue/fee collection, tax rules management, tax studies and research, tax planning, tax professionals registry management, internal inspection and auditing, economic events monitoring, national tax system governance, international tax management, inspection and auditing, tax historical series analysis and tax cases management, international tax information collection, and tributary justice management.
Source: EIRA Team Research
Additional information: The Tax Digital Business Capabilities Map ABB is a comprehensive catalogue of elements that encompass a wide range of activities related to the digital management of tax-related operations. It includes elements that deal with the management of registries and catalogues of tax authorities, the collection and processing of tax returns and transaction information from taxpayers, the management of relationships with taxpayers and stakeholders, and the management of tax risks. It also covers the collection of regular and special case revenues/fees, the management of tax rules for processing tax returns, the conduct of tax studies and research, and tax planning. Other elements include the management of tax professionals' registries, internal inspection and auditing, monitoring of economic events, governance of the national tax system, management of international taxes, inspection and auditing, analysis of tax historical series and management of tax cases, collection of international tax information, and management of tributary justice.
Example: An example of the application of the Tax Digital Business Capabilities Map ABB could be a digital platform used by a tax authority to manage its operations. The platform could use the elements of the map to guide the development of its features and functionalities, ensuring that it is able to effectively manage tax registries, collect and process tax returns, manage relationships with taxpayers and stakeholders, manage tax risks, collect revenues, manage tax rules, conduct tax studies and research, plan for taxes, manage tax professionals' registries, conduct internal inspections and audits, monitor economic events, govern the national tax system, manage international taxes, inspect and audit, analyse tax historical series and manage tax cases, collect international tax information, and manage tributary justice.
LOST view: OV-Digital Business Capabilities Catalogue
ABB name: egovera:TaxDigitalBusinessCapabilitiesMapGrouping
EIRA concept: eira:ArchitectureBuildingBlock
Last modification: 2023-08-21
dct:title: Tax Digital Business Capabilities Map